If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times (well, maybe just three): This month is all about finishing Random Thoughts.
Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten it done! But I am going to sit down tomorrow and DO. IT.
I have half the hemstitching done:
*sigh* Surely I can get this done tomorrow????
I can't even show you my finished Silver Rose! I was honestly sitting here trying to get it bound off before I wrote this post, just so I could say I nailed SOMETHING in November, but then I realized I wanted to do Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (and I couldn't remember how to do it and it was 11:15 PM and OHMIGOSH I JUST NEED TO GET THIS POST UP!)
Sooooooo close.
So have you all been waiting anxiously for the announcement of the 2013 themes?? Anyone??
Well, anyway.... There was some misunderstanding with the Lottloft graphics department about when graphics were "due".... =) But I don't want to put off announcing themes for 2013 any longer!!! Um...how about a teaser? Here are the themes from 2012 that will be returning!!
Jardin January
March Madness
Amazon April
Jumanji June
Is your favorite in the list? Any guesses on what the new months will be?? OK, how about one new theme...
Opulent October
It's time to don your tiaras and bring the bling! Stitch on projects with sparkly fibers, beads or charms.
What do you think so far?
Next month is...
Delightful December
The holidays are a time for relaxing...at least, that's the theory! No stress here...work on whatever you want and enjoy!
I think things will be relatively stress-free for me...I just have to finish up my sister's ornament! Who knows what I'll work on then!!
I hope your Nail It November went better than mine and you actually finished something!! Please add your link below (to your wrap-up post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Our next post will be on the 15th, when we'll check in with Delightful December. And don't worry if you haven't posted before...just jump in whenever.
1. Bonnie's World 2. Joanne P | 3. Jackie 4. Karoline | 5. Yana Hanim |
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They both look great, even if not quite finished.
Hmm, maybe I'll join in next year. At least with some of the months - 31 different pieces in March is beyond me
I love seeing the amazing stitching you do - though there is no way at all that I am enough of a stitcher to join in!
The sampler looks wonderful & what a warm & wonderful hat!
Great list so far for next year :)
I like opulent october!
I like Opulent October too!
Not so sure about March Madness though I did well with it last year.
I can't post my Theme-alicious update until I get that last finish done! LOL I *will* get it done tonight.... at least before midnight :)
Bring on 2013! I really enjoyed this year's themes :)
they are looking great heather :) I have just posted mine, and I REALLY REALLY cant wait for the 2013 theme!
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