First of all, I'm so sorry this post is late! I wanted to get it done before I left for vacation, and that didn't happen. But I convinced myself that it would be OK; we were getting home on the 29th and I could do the post then. Except we actually were getting back today on the 30th!
Anyway, I'd like to tell you that I was able to finish the squirrel in the center of the pincushion that I'd started at the beginning of the month.
But I can't. Poor little guy. I didn't want to take him with me on the trip, so there wasn't much time to work on him.
Speaking of the trip, I did get a "little" something done in the car...
Hexipuffs! I finally found a stuffing I like...I had tried cotton balls, but they did not have enough give to make good stuffing. I found a bamboo-rayon combo suffing that feels quite nice--almost silky. I think I need someone to look at the way I'm finishing the top of them...I get a weird wonky edge at the very last corner.
And here's the rest of the picture of the little teaser I showed last time.
I've completed the main part of the bracelet I started during the Lottlympiad! There's just some peyote bands and little embellishment left!
Now it's time for...
Obligation October
Wow, the holidays are only a couple months away! Avoid that last-minute crunch and work on some gifts now.
This month is not all about gifts...any obligation stitching counts (round robins, anyone?) The only gift I have planned is an ornament for my sister. And to be honest, I have NO IDEA which one to make her. I will have a few other "obligations" to fulfill, though. I'm starting (yet another) online class this month. I also promised to do a KAL with Sue...we both have scarves that have been in progress waaaaAAAaaayyy too long. We haven't ironed out the details...I think we're going to go for an hour a week. I may designate it as Dancing with the Stars knitting for the season. Anybody want to join us?
So how did September go? Did you make a lot of progress...or just small progress? =) Please add your link below (to your check-in post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Our next post will be on the 15th, when we'll check in with our progress for Obligation October! And don't worry if you haven't posted before...just jump in whenever.
1. Jackie 2. Sue | 3. Sherrie 4. Joanne P | 5. Valentina |
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The hexi-puffs are very cute. I remember seeing them on Ravelry. I can see them being very moreish! The bracelet is looking lovely. Your squirrel will be done before you know it. ;)
Hi Heather,
Love the bracelet, beautiful! Have a great day!
Food for Thought
Your bracelet looks stunning.
Cute hexi puffs, but don't ask me about finishing neatly LOL.
My obligation stitching does indeed include RRs, you're 2nd guessing me so well!
Awesome bracelet!!
Awwww. Cute little puffs.
Is the wonky corner from grafting? I get that sometimes when I graft a sock toe - at the very end of it (i.e. not where you start the graft on the right side). When I'm done with grafting (but before I weave the loose end in on the back side) I grab a pinch of stitching on either side of it of wonky corner and wiggle it back and forth vigorously (be aggressive!) and the stitches realign themselves and flatten out 99.9% of the time. Works like a charm! (Also: works to realign/smooth out Fair Isle stitches if you've got some bumpy spots, especially where in the area where you change from one DPN to the next. Just pinch and wiggle the trouble area(s). Has saved me MANY times and can make the difference in good finishing vs. really great finishing.)
Love that bracelet, Heather!! Awww, you'll finish squirrel soon enough. :)
OMGosh - that bracelet is gorgeous! Sorry I missed seeing you while you were in town - wish you could have come to our class - you were SOOO close - almost within reach - hope to see you next time. Cheers! Mel
I think I'd rather have an awesome vacation than make great stitchy progress!
Your bracelet is lovely!
They're looking great, cute hexipuffs!
Hi Heather, just posted my september smalls, loving your hexipuffs!
Gorgeous bracelet.
I haven't been bitten by the hexipuff bug. How are they closed? You'll probably be ok though, I bet you won't see those corners when they're sewn together
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