Well, I didn't get to everything I wanted to during Amazon April, but progress is progress, right? Here is where Random Thoughts ended up:
The little stitcher down there seems to be pointing accusingly, "Why did you go over and stitch that 'V' instead of GIVING ME FEET??" I...I have no answer for her.
I did also get one sleeve done on my Origami Turtle (NOTE: still not an actual turtle)The reason I got this done is because it's relatively mindless, and work hasn't been leaving me with much of a mind these days.
Now it's time for...
May Memories
Remember when you took that class? Or decided to commemorate that event? And then abandoned your poor WIP? Take a stroll down memory lane by working on it again.
I initially came up with this theme because I have taken a lot of needlework classes in my life. A LOT. But you could also use this month to work on your oldest WIP(s)! Or maybe look for one you've set aside, and now you can't remember why!
This is going to be a short month for me, because we are going to be in Europe for part of it. Plus, work is going to continue to be rough, AND I have a travelling pattern that has arrived here that I need to get done! So, here's my list...
- Blackwork Band Sampler - This will be great to work on when I go to Orlando for Sun Region EGA's Stitcher's Celebration
- Les Rubans Anciennes - yes, again. =) Part of the fun of Theme-a-licious is figuring out how the project you WANT to work on fits in with the theme
- Grandmother Star Temari - See, there's this NEW temari class I want to take...
So how did Amazon April turn out for you? What are you planning for May Memories? Please add your link below (to your wrap-up post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Our next post will be on the 15th, when we'll check in for May Memories! And don't worry if you haven't posted before...just jump in whenever.
1. Ruths Little Leprechauns
2. Roses Crafts
3. Terris April Report
4. Serendipitous Stitching April
5. Sherrie@ Food for Thought
6. Squirrel Nuts
7. Therapy-by-Thread
8. Already Forgotten
9. thread garden
10. Its Daffycat
11. Measis Musings
12. Chic Crafting
13. Shebafudges April update
14. Annettes Theme-a-licious Post
15. Jackies Stitches
Yoir stitching is really lovely,and yes the little stitcher is definitely trying to say something :) Have a great time in Europe.
You did really great for April, am way impressed.
Oh, gosh, I did terrible for Amazon April. I suppose I'd better get my blog post ready for today. I think I will do better for May.
I love your little footless stitcher!
I did okay for April, I decided the A in BAP stands for Alphabet and stitched three different alphabet themed projects. Plus a new SAL...
Hi Heather,
Your Random Thoughts piece is beautiful! Have a great day!
Food for Thought
Lovely stitching and knitting. I can't wait to see the turtle! I will update my blog this avo. Enjoy Europe!
Hi Heather, I love your Random Thoughts! Thank you for Amazon April, it has given me the chance to work on a poor neglected wip of mine, and this will happen also with May Memories!
Two little feet short? Poor little stitcher! I think this is my favorite of your WIPs. I even have the pattern on my wish list now ~ lol!
My post is up. I nearly forgot!
Random Thoughts is beautiful! Europe in May...how exciting!
Europe in May.. come and say hi if you find yourself nearby Venice..! :D
so.. Memories for May.. I'll do my best to fit this month's xxx into the category..!
happy stitches,
Your Random Sampler looks gorgeous, Heather!
I can't wait to see what you get accomplished for May!
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