So! Today is the day when we share all our stunning progress since last month on our list of WIPocalypse projects! Remember last month when I finished Dasher? Wasn't that exciting??!? Let's all remember that fondly, shall we??
Because there certainly aren't any finishes this time. In fact, since I posted updates on Shakespeare's Garden and Convents Herbal Garden, Les Rubans, and Sanctuary, I haven't touched them. I did do one round on Pretty Qiviuk Thing and a few rows on the Origami Turtle, but other than that...not much has been happening.
Should I repeat the pictures? Just so this post doesn't look so very pitiful? OK, here we go...
Shakespeare's Garden
Convents Herbal Garden
Les Rubans
I managed to sign up for two online classes that both started last week, and I've done very little for either! One is a temari class (you may be able to see a picture here). I hope to have some pictures later this week. The other is Dolci, which I signed up for FOREVER ago, so I kept telling myself I had plenty of time to pick my own colors and get supplies (since I didn't get a kit). Therefore...I still haven't done it yet!
I am going to start working on Blackwork Band Sampler soon, though!
JiffNotes |
Worst. Check-in. EVER. |
Sometimes its hard to work on WIPs when super busy. They all are still very pretty though!
Beautiful and if you didn't tell me you had not made progress I would not have noticed.
Also, online classes? More details seriously! That is exactly what I need.
I am also looking for recommendations on online crochet classes that would give me more than youtube videos. All the local places have classes while I have a flock of kids and no husband to pawn them off on.
All of your projects are more than just xxs, they are so detailed and colorful. I wish I could do something like that:-)
I love the colours in those designs and can't decide which is my favourite! Looking forward to progress next month - no pressure :-)
All your WIPs are looking really wonderful. I think the sweater you just finished should count toward the WIPocalypse!!
Progress or no progress, all your WIPs are really lovely and I shall look forward to March's check-in post.
all your wip's are looking so lovely..
big hugs for you xxx
They are all beautiful projects.
Lovely WIPs. I am sure next month you will have some progress to show us!!!!
Reposting stuff is always great!! Keeps it fresh in my memory!! Love convent garden...but then again, who doesn't love chats!!!!
Good luck in your classes and I hope you get more stitching done next month.
Well, they are all pretty projects. Maybe you'll have more time in the coming month!
Any progress is good progress, even if it's only a couple of stitches! Lovely WIPs and I'm sure you'll get some more done this month
Some really pretty pieces. Sometimes life gets in the way of stitching.
beautiful stitching :)
We can sit in the corner of shame together, because I didn't put one stitch into anything this month either! :( Next month will be better!!
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