I'm afraid I don't have as much progress to show as I'd like. First up, a Mirabilia project. BEHOLD MY BROWN BLOB OF REINDEER GLORY!
I decided to forego all that silly "work on existing WIPs" stuff and just start something new. =) So someday, Dasher will have a friend, Dancer. And if you're wondering why there's just a teensy little spot of red, rather than a nice swath, well...I blame the frogs that appeared! There's also a lot less brown than there might have been. =(
Next, I did a little bit on Moss Creek's Blackwork Band Sampler.
I plan to do some more on this, then move on to my all-time favorite designer, Teresa Wentzler. Will I work on the massive Peacock Tapestry? Or will I wimp out and put a few stitches into something smaller? Stay tuned!
So how is your Fangirl February going? Please add your link below (to your check-in post). I'm trying out a new linking tool because it allows us to have thumbnail pictures! So once you link to your post, it will prompt you to pick one of your pictures to feature and ask whether you'd like to crop it yourself or just have it default. Please let me know if you have any problems with this...it may not refresh automatically. Our next post will be on the 29th, when we'll wrap up Fangirl February and make plans for March Madness! And don't worry if you haven't posted before...just jump in whenever.
Now a quick word about March Madness...I realize that not everyone can do what I do, which is utter madness. Yes, I actually do stitch or knit on a different project every day of the month. If you don't want to try that (AND I DON'T BLAME YOU), think about what might shake up your stitching routine a little. If you've got a lot of WIPs, why not pick a random one each weekend day? If you're a committed one-at-a-timer, why not start an ornament each week? Or let a friend pick your next project? Whatever seems like "madness" to you, that's what you should do. =)
Your blackwork band sampler. Is. So. Cool. Love it!!!
Love the Blackwork Band Sampler.
The linker is being wonky. It didn't let me crop the picture, and now it's not showing it. It's still links to my post though. Possibly it will sort itself out eventually.
The brown blob has some very nice stitching in it and the blackwork sampler is looking marvellous!
Hi Heather,
The black work sampler is beautiful. I love samplers, they have so much going on. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
Nice brown blob & the blackwork sampler is stunning
wow stunning stitching xxx
Yes, Dasher will be very happy to have a friend. I loved him so I can't wait to see Dancer all finished up. And the blackwork - amazing!
Long-winded, but it worked! Nice idea.
Looking forward to seeing an actual reindeer by the end of the month!
For March Madness I might try not duplicating a designer. Kind of the opposite of Feb! Stitch as many different designers as possible.
I say stitch what calls the loudest every time! Awesome new start. Brown blobs are my very favorite...followed closely by reindeer, hint hint! The blackwork looks awesome too.
I've got my post up but it wasn't easy. There were nearly casualties ~ one Dell laptop narrowly escaped being viciously murdered.
I thought I had trouble with the linky but when I returned to your post my link was there!
gorgeous stitching :)
Finally I've got the time to post my check in! Happy stitching!
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