I finally put on my big girl pants and sewed up Helena's hem! It's allllmost done.
It just needs the ties done on the front.
I referenced this article on TECHknitting about how to sew hems shut. And by "referenced," I mean CLUNG TO FOR DEAR LIFE, keeping the page open on the computer, on my lap, while I sewed, like some great virtual security blanket. The last illustration (not picture) in the post was invaluable for an overly literal person like me!
I'm still not 100% sure how the hem was supposed to be picked up for the button band. (Wait...is it still a button band if there are no buttons?) But I'm pretty happy with it!
To celebrate, I cast on Rose Red, just in time to wrap up Jardin January. It's very impressive, no? ;)
For more WIP Wednesday eye candy goodness, head over to Tami's Amis!

Or, head to Afford Your Passions for a stitching link party with preview pictures!
JiffNotes |
Is it bad that when I read the title of this post I hear Professor Umbridge in my head? hem, hem |
Love this sweet piece! It looks amazing! As you were hemming, you should have sung, "I'm woman, hear me roar" (Heaven knows why I thought of that.)
Heather, it's GORGEOUS! I love the color you selected. I love a really saturated girly color.
Oh thats just the cutest thing ever, I love the yarn colour you used and I'm majorily impressed you got Rose Red cast on in time.
I think it looks fantastic! I'm jealous of your newfound hemming skills. :)
That is really beautiful. Some little girl is really lucky! Love that purple!
Beautiful! I'm not a knitter but a crocheter, sometime quilter and a little counted cross stitch. I love your Theme-a-licious idea. I was wondering if I could join you? I've missed January but am working on February. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
Gorgeous!!!! It really is!!!!
Ooh! What a sweet little sweater. Who ever the lucky babe is that gets to wear it will look darling in it. I want to squish it! Um, the sweater, not the baby!
That turned out spectacularly well! Beautiful work! And really, I can't think of a better way to celebrate a knitting victory than with casting on a Ysolda pattern. It's utterly gorgeous so far. :)
Really beautiful. I'm with you on obsessively reading the technique descriptions-- I think I'm clinging to the belief/delusion that if I just read it carefully enough, I won't have to tink four times for every successful attempt at something new.
It is so beautiful xxx
Oh, it's beautiful! I'm so in love with the colour! (this shade in one of my favs and I like to call it plum jam!
This is so cute!!!! You did an excellent job. I can't imagine being able to create something like this. I am amazed at your talent.
OMGosh Heather - it is just so pretty! YGG
Heather, this is darling!!!!!!!
That is amazing--your work is so beautiful, Heather :)
Love the purple! So pretty!
LOL!!! It is very squishable yarn...I was very pleasantly surprised since it's a superwash.
I have had Techknitter open on my lap for several steps of several projects. She is invaluable!
And Helena is gorgeous. Beautiful job on the hem!
It looks like you did a fabulous job :) Having the techknitter instructions as a virtual comfort blanket sounds like an excellent approach to me!
It's just adorable. . . a wonderful matcc of pattern, yarn and color!
Wow, that is looking lovely!
Beautiful sweater, the hem looks great!!
I am hanging my head in shame because I've completely forgotten how to cast on. How the HECK did I forget this?!?
(and your photo inspired me to try to pick up my needles again, which is how I made the discovery).
Gorgeous colour. That's going to be one stylish baby :)
And now I'm hanging my head in shame that I still have three garments I haven't sewn together so I can finish knitting them.
That is so pretty, Heather! Congratulations on your finish!
I am hosting a stitching party (which includes knitting!), and would be thrilled if you would join my party by linking this post to it!
Mel - I used to knit many years ago, and when I was thinking about picking it up, I was worried that I had forgotten how to cast on, so I took a knitting class. 15 minutes into the class, and it was like I'd never stopped knitting.
Beautiful job, Heather!!
Love the color, and all the little extras - - cables, hems,picot edging - - it's a keeper!!
Gorgeous sweater gorgeous colour!!!!
So adorable!!! And I do love a picot hem. :)
That sweater is beautiful!!! Awesome job!
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