Knitting WIP at yesterday's post!
I'd gotten so bogged down trying to do my self-imposed monthly "assignments" on Random Thoughts that my stitching languished a bit. I decided to just work on what I wanted to work on, which was Sapphire Star!
Before I started this round...
...and after. I was so pumped to get to the end of all the boring "lead lines" that I just kept going...I knew awesome COLOR was just around the corner!
So excited to start the first filling pattern. This is step 1 of 4 for this pattern. After I did the right side, I decided I wanted to color sequence the piece so that the left side would match. I'm pretty pleased with the result.
Color sequencing, as far as I know, is just a fancy name for using fiber pulled from the same length to start the mirror-image section. This trickiest part was that I started the right side with an away waste knot, so I had to determine where in the strand I had actually made my first stitch.
I think I nailed it. =)
In the bottom section, I was able to get creative with which way the fiber traveled if it looked like I was going to be off at any of the major switches (like to the turquoise).
I've now put this away for a little knitting!
You really did nail it - looks awesome! Congrats on a great progress session!
Wow, that's really impressive! I can't wait to see it done. I don't think I've seen anything like this before.
Absolutely Beautiful!!! I haven't picked up my stitching in so long it's not funny. I have projects neglected in my cabinet. You make me what to get them out and work on them!
That looks amazing, I love how you've done the colours :)
Oh wow! Just freakin' cool!
That looks to me like you nailed it. It is so very pretty. I love seeing your progress.
The colors are so pretty!
It's *beautiful*! You're almost tempting me to take up stitchwork again...
What a spiffy WIP! Looks like it'd be fun to stitch. Love the colors!
You most definitely nailed it! It's beautiful.
Beautiful, beautiful stitches!!! I think you got the color matching dead on!
Wow, looks great. Who's this one by?
I like the design. Beautiful colors.
I'd say you nailed it, too! Very pretty with those lovely gradations of colour.
Laura Perin would be proud :D It's an amazing feeling to start adding those splashes of colour - looking forward to watching this one grow! :D
It's looking gorgeous, great progress
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