As snow descends on the LottLoft, it is once again time for me to set some goals for the Lottlympiad, Winter Edition. I've been away from the blog for a while, and I owe you all kinds of pictures of travels in Europe, fabulous teas and actual needlework and knitting FOs(!). However, the Opening Ceremony is tonight, so that's all going to have to wait.
In case you weren't hanging around 18 months ago, you might want to check out some of the coverage of the previous Lottlympiad (see next paragraph). Basically, I do my own thing because 1) I don't think there should just be gold medals for events and 2) I have diverse crafting interests.
What will this Winter's Games bring? Will there be all the joy, the fatigue, the controversy? The guest interviews? The general wackiness? Well, at least you know there will be wackiness.
Here is the list of events for the 2010 Winter Lottlympiad:
Figure Stitching
Bronze: Finish stitching on Easter Fairy
Silver: Finish beading on Easter Fairy
Gold: Finish Squirrel Fob
Bronze: Finish Miller's Hat band
Silver: Finish hat cables
Gold: Complete hat
Finishing Slalom
Bronze: Block Entrelac Scarf
Silver: Fix Molly sweater
Gold: Fix Tubey sweater
Speed Socking
For the Errant Lace Sock...
Bronze: Finish leg
Silver: Finish heel
Gold: Finish foot
Stay tuned for updates...
JiffNotes |
Yep, that's really the view ou the window.... |
Hatpipe!! Hatpipe...oh my...I DO love a good pun (much to my husband's chagrin)...
Good luck! I'm waving my Lott-colored flag!
I'll be rooting for Team Lott! You go, girl! LOL
Hi Heather - remember me? I visited you last year with Teresa in Feb - Loved seeing your winter photos from the loft. Pop over to my blog sometime and see what I've been up to - lots of wool adventures this winter. take care Melody
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