The lovely and perspicacious
Jean recently had a caption contest (or more accurately, I think, Oscar had one) for blog bling, which I won!! My prize was sock yarn!! Any one I wanted from
The Loopy Ewe. Whoah. That was a hard choice. Have you
been to this site? Very dangerous. Never seen so much pretty sock yarn all in one place.

I've been looking for a good green to do
Elfine's Socks in, so that's how I narrowed my choices, and I ended up picking Teal Party by Claudia Hand Painted Yarns. However, I was unable to ignore the beautiful Toast colorway as well, so I had some of that come along. I plan on knitting
these with it. I can't believe how fast the yarn got here...I think I made my choice on Friday, and it arrived at Chez Jean today! It's
soo pretty in person! Even prettier than on the site (duh!) The very
best part about the yarn is that it is sooooo soft. I can't explain how soft it is. It's 100% Merino wool, but it feels Or something. Something really, really soft. Aparently it's painted on Louet yarn. I must check that stuff out.

The yarn in the bottom right corner is black lace yarn for Mystery Stole 3. The chivalrous Richard, husband of the lovely Jean, cake-ified it for me (but told me never to remove the ties before giving it to him to wind again...I think I owe him cookies. Aparently there was cursing, but the yarn is unscathed. =) Here's a better picture of its loveliness. It is also very soft. But in a different way than the sock yarn. Like, the lace yarn is soft and smooth, but the sock yarn is squooshy and soft. I clearly need sleep.
ohh, pretty sock yarn. Even better, sock patterns and 1 I hadn't seen. Congrats on your winning the blog bling. And yes, you must get some non-handpainted, hand-dyed Louet Gems to try. It's scrumptious!
pardon me as I wipe the drool off my keyboard. And golly, you WON it!? I can't remeber the last time I won anything. brava diva. I'm knitting a pair of knitty socks meself. I always think I hate knitting socks, but then when you see yarn like what you have here, well who wouldn't? also- have you found that knitting intricate lace patterns helps you sleep? I find whenever I spend a good hour knitting a lace pattern before bedtime, I sleep like a behbeh.
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