I did manage a bit on Pretty Little Thing:
It's slow going because I can't work on it when it's dark (like while watching TV).
I don't know, though; am I in knitterly denial here? I'm not sure if I should've gone down a needle size so the fabric would be denser. What do you think?
Also, EXTREMELY exciting, all the sparkles on Dasher in that nasty pearl braid are done!! It seems like they took approximately forever.
Since I took this picture, I've also almost finished his reins, and that means that all that is left is...BEADS BEADS BEADS!!! Woo hoo! He just MIGHT be done for Christmas THIS year.
Unpictured is progress on an ornament for an exchange (mailing tomorrow...I'm nothing if not last minute. =)
For more WIP Wednesday eye candy goodness, head over to Tami's Amis!

I love the reindeer! omg, so cute. You make me want to cross stitch with that picture alone!! <3
Lovely colour, but I know what you mean about not being able to work on something when it's dark - everything on my needles is dark blue right now, I need better lighting!
Dasher looks amazing, love the sparkles :)
Wow, Dasher is spectacular! Lovely work, that. I wish I could offer better advice about Pretty Little Thing. Lace is soooo hard to read until it's blocked. Maybe a *gasp* swatch? Whatever the case, it's beautiful in that yarn!
Pretty thing looks nice in the photos but it's hard to say. It's not fitted, so you should be fine right? It's a lovely blue!
Lovely work.
Aren't beads fun?!
Wow you take on some ambitious projects!
Glad to hear you pass the time with some good ol' TV in the background. Stevie the TV would be proud.
Heather, I agree with Paula. It is tough to read lace until it's blocked, but I'm loving that color, too. (I know, no help at all!) lol As for Dasher, he's such a cutie. Can't wait to see him beaded. :)
Love the knitting, Heather!!! Those little danglies are to die for.
Dasher looks great! Congrats on the pearl braid finish. :)
i love the knitting so much..it is so sweet..
dasher is looking so beautiful..amazing..
i love the reindeer so much..so cutee
keep well.love xx
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