2020 Review

We knew 2020 was going to be a difficult year at the beginning, because Michael's mom was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer in October 2019. As the year began, it became clear that this was not a battle that could be won, and we said goodbye to her in February.
We were encouraged by the loving care Michael's dad provided her during her final days in home hospice, and the support and prayers of our families. Also, while her earthly absence is sorrowful for us, a transition to heaven should be celebrated as a joyful event! Michael's mom may have picked a good time to head to heaven, because her family members were all able to visit for both her final days and funeral.

And then, you all know what happened. Lockdown. Working from home. Finding new hobbies and streaming all the things.

Oh yeah, except we both work for healthcare software companies. So while some of you were researching sourdough starters, we were working overtime. Things eventually calmed down, and Heather did not miss her commute of MARTA plus crossing four highway on/off ramps on foot. Michael's company has a partial-week rotation of masked office work. This makes the owner feel like "people are working" despite the owner not being present in the office.

What else do you need to know about 2020? We explored our neighborhood on foot, and discovered we really love where we live. We confirmed that we are the people we'd want to be stuck with on a desert island. We tried to keep our local restaurants in business by getting takeout. We had awkward Zoom celebrations.
We enjoyed the outdoors.
We occasionally even went somewhere, although we are itching to go on overseas journeys again!

Not to mention going to live theater... Seeing the Alliance's excellent drive-in "radio play" version of A Christmas Carol made us realize how much we miss it!
We look forward to 2021. We hope you are staying safe, loving your family and neighbors, and finding time to serve. Here's to a better year!

1 comment:

Jill said...

To a better year indeed!! And more in person sightings!

Old Geek-outs