It's time to show all the progress we made for February's theme, Fantastical Fiction February!
On the fiction front, I did some work on Shakespeare's Garden. The verse on this piece is from "The Merry Wives of Windsor".
This next piece fits in with both fiction AND fantasy.
Dancer, the flying reindeer, inspired by Clement Clarke Moore's poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas". Although I wish flying reindeer weren't fantasy creatures. :)
And of course, there was the dragon, already posted for the February Smalls SAL check in.
Now it's time to share our plans for THIS month, which is...
March Madness
Work on something different every day...it's madness...of the funnest possible kind.
Now, I know this theme will scare the bejeepers out of some of you. But you don't actually have to work on something different every day. For example, since I'm doing a few SALs, I'm only going to work on something different on the even days of the month, and work on my "obligations" on the odd days. On even days, I will draw a project out of the Sparkly Compote of Decree (SCOD), which contains slips of paper with each of my WIPs written on them (and a few blank "wildcards" that let me work on whatever I want). Maybe you'll just work on a different project every Saturday, or maybe you're a OAATimer and will work on a different project every week in March to shake things up. Whatever seems like Madness to you...go for it!
So how was your Fantastical Fiction February? Was your stitching a fantasy land, or was your only progress fictional? =) What are your plans for March Madness? Please add your link below (to your latest Theme-a-licious post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Another reminder that unlike last year, there will be no check-in post on the 15th, so our next post will be on April 1st (no foolin' ;). I'll post mid-March to announce the theme for April (and the prize winner)! It's never too late to join in or send suggestions for future themes!
You are going to have a wild and crazy stitching March for sure!
I think every month must be March Madness for me. I work on upwards of 10 projects most weeks. I've been a bit slack the last couple of weeks and only worked on 5 or 6.
Wait, what...reindeer don't fly??
Wait, what...reindeer don't fly??
Can't wait for March Madness! I love this theme :D
Love your reindeer, of course they can't fly, they only appear to be flying because they travel so fast in order to fit everyone into one night.
How nice that you chose Shakespeare for your Fiction theme, and the Reindeer is great! I'm so excited for March Madness! I'm using the Random Number Generator to choose a number from 1-96 for me to stitch each day!
Shakespeare's Garden is so pretty.
Good luck with he plans for March.
Great theme for March! I'm looking forward to joining in the madness. Thanks for hosting this!
Lovely stitching and can't wait to see more of the reindeer :) I have been preparing for the March theme and hope to make it and stitch on something different each day :)
I think reindeer should be able to fly too. ~ I loved going to each link and seeing what everyone had worked on for Feb.
Both projects are looking lovely, great project.
I look forward to seeing where the SCOD sends you in March
sad to say I probably could work on something different for all 31 days of March and never touch even 1/4 of my WIP's and UFO's - Love your pretty projects. Here's to maybe spring in March
UUgghh I did nothing for February. And btw Flying Reindeer are real - Santa - hello?!?! :o)
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