I'm a few days late here, not because I was busy stitching, but only because the dates got away from me! Here we have the third Dragonlet of Christmas...
Mais ouí, eet ees zee Three French Hens! With zee French wine, and zee French bread, and zee French cheese, and zee wee beret!
Awww...cute. :)
Mais oui ! de belles poulettes !
du pain, du vin, du fromage miam bon appétit...
29.03.14 - 10:25pm
Oo la la, amazing how much detail you can get into such a tiny design!
Oh the tiny little French hens are adorable!
Ah hell. My two years of French are failing to provide a witty comment in French. DAMN IT. WHAT A WASTED OPPORTUNITY. (And no - it's the same if I have to GOOGLE for it. lol)
Nice Small!
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