Thursday, September 22, 2011

War of WIPs Call to Arms #10

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Ooooo...I must really love you guys. I have to leave the house in TWELVE MINUTES to catch a flight.
But yesterday I promised felted things. My first felted things ever.
Glamour shot. Getting stuffed with plastic bags while drying. What does everyone else use?

I've actually sewed on the nose and ear linings since this dark, cloudy picture. I'd take another one, but NOTIMENOTIMENOTIME!!!!

And what am I going to do NOW??!?


Have a great weekend!!

Join the battle with us! Visit Revelations of a Delusional Knitter to enlist!


Calophi said...

The only thing I've ever felted was a giant top hat, and we had put it over a giant pretzel tin can or something while it dried. I have no idea what I'd use next time I felt something. Plastic bags seems like a good idea.

Jenny said...

Wow, Heather, you used your 12 minutes to make all of your followers wanting more! What will become of your felted pieces!? A cat, a dog, a rabbit - what! we have to wait until you come back from Disneyworld - really!? Torture..

Delusional Knitter said...

What a tease!!! Hope you have a nice trip!

Melanie said...

I've used plastic bags to stuff a felted squirrel. :) Works like a charm.
(If it's a bag I'm felting I use a box of cereal - covered in a plastic bag - to dry the piece in shape.)

Old Geek-outs