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It was awfully, dreadfully cold Friday, but it was lots of fun seeing DF
Teresa and the rest of the gang for the terra cotta warriors at the High Museum.

No pictures allowed in the exhibit, but you may eventually be able to visit
Jean or
Jill's blog to see shots of us in front of the fakey warrior in the gift shop. Instead, I give you the better-looking of the two pieces of squirrel art at the High:
Of course, I have no pictures of the Tut exhibit, either, since you couldn't take pictures in the exhibit, and it seemed pointless to haul out my camera to add to the pile that Michael was using to photograph the group in front of the Tut banner outside. Except, of course, then I would have had a photo to show you. After Tut, we ate and went by Knitch, where I succumbed to the fate of the masses, and purchased yarn to make the ubiquitous Jared Flood Noro striped scarf. One of the colors is Silk Garden (as called for), and the other is Yuzen, which has less silk and kid and more merino than Silk Garden. It comes in a skein rather than a ball and has to be wound (which is get to watch the colors change slowly as it winds). This is so not me...I am not one to see a bandwagon and jump on it, nor am I one to sign up to stitch/knit so many boring stitches in a row, nor am I one to purchase something and immediately start on it. I started it that night.

Watching the colors change is addicting. Like chocolate-covered crack cookies, I tell you.
Teresa gave Jill and I our Christmas presents that night. I thought she was still on amnesty from a wonderful wrap she made me a few years ago, but I wasn't going to give up this wonderful bag she made:

And look at the cute stitch markers!!
Sunday after church we went back by Knitch to pick up some yarn being wound and the weather was so beautiful we were able to get this picture:
And, since I sadly have not worn my finished Tubey since the Lottlympiad, I made Michael do a mini photo shoot of me. Here's the best of the bunch:

JiffNotes |
This is not a wedding post! Unless you're talking about the mystic marriage of Noro Silk Garden and Yuzen that is my lovely scarf. Oh, probably weren't. That's just me.
I did get pictures uploaded Sunday afternoon after the festivities were over, and before the Super Crafting Bowl started, but I didn't get this written 'til today.
No pictures of the Tut exhibit or the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit...I recommend Tut wholeheartedly, and make sure you set aside $7 for the audio tour...totally worth it. |