When last I checked in for March Madness, I was enjoying stitching on Prancer so much, I didn't really want to move on...
...so I didn't. The giant stocking and 80s-bridesmaid-dress-style bow are now done. Could an actual deer part make an appearance soon?? Any bets?
I was reading one of the "Top Five Tuesday" posts that Tiffstitches does and saw that one of the things she wants to finish this year is the "H" by Nora Corbett. Hey! I have that chart! I kind of had to buy it, since the name of the design is "Heather". =) So, we decided to do a little SAL on Wednesdays. We start next week!!
I had the threads, though I substituted the skin and dress colors. I went diving in my stash and came up with a piece of fabric that is almost exactly the same color as the Waterlily linen that is recommended (I actually had Waterlily, but stitching on those Wichelt linens is no fun for me). It's Squall from Sugar Maple Fabrics. Does anyone else have a small, deeply treasured stash of SMF?? I almost didn't want to use it, because then I won't have it anymore!
I have really been enjoying the Spring flowers (and Daylight Saving Time!!! Hooray for leaving work when it is still light!!) The pollen, not so much. I believe the pollen count here today is over 3500. Yes, three-five-zero-zero...not a typo. A coworker was visiting from Boston last week and when I told him the count was 1800, I thought his eyes were going to fall out of his head. I've pretty much felt like a zombie this week, although last weekend was worse; I think I actually had a virus!
But, hey, the pollen is worth it!
JiffNotes |
That's Prancer up there, I swear it is. |
I thought of you yesterday when I saw that fire and overpass collapse. I guess you are far enough away from I 85 that it is not impacting your loft with smoke. hope you don't have to travel on that road since it will be down for some time. Sure glad I don't have any travel up that way scheduled. LOVE your H - My dad stitched the 3 mermaid letters for me M E L - they are pretty. I have them with a finisher to make into a bolster pillow - hey it's been a while - better check with her on that. I feel the same way about Witch-elt fabric - can't stand it or the WDW - just not my thing. Sadly I never bought any SMF. However I feel the same way about my treasured pieces of BOAF linen which I guard like gold. Have a great weekend - Mel
We'll be patient and wait for the deer to come (soon), congrats for the stocking and bow. This new start with "H" is a very good news as it's a very elegant chart. Lovely flowers. Amitiés.
Oh yes, SMF!! I never had a lot of it, but I DID save/hoard a piece of "Dolphin Dance" for Just Nan's "Mermaid Heart." And I think I cut it as carefully as I could so I would have just a smidge left over for a potential ornament or other little thing someday...
Just read on Tiff's blog about your 'H' SAL, looking forward to seeing her grow,
The H is beautiful. None of the letters take very long and they are so much fun to stitch too.
I'm sure that one day your deer will come! If it doesn't I might be forced to tell my trio of very bad deer jokes.
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