Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ready for Spring!!

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I am definitely ready for Spring! I always feel like once my birthday is past, it's time for warm weather immediately. For now, though, let's enjoy some shots from last year at the Atlanta Botanical Garden during Atlanta Blooms!

I'm a huge fan of tulips, and I thought these lovely pastels were awesome!

But then, the vibrant colors of the pansies are also excellent!

I was happy to catch this guy in action. Check out his iridescent wings. I upped the shutter speed so I could catch the action.

We have a ton of Japanese Magnolia (or tulip) trees around Atlanta, but most of them are the purple or white varieties. I love this creamy yellow! I used the macro lens to capture the interior of the flower.

One thing I love about Atlanta Blooms! is that they always do several color combinations of tulips around the gardens. I love this rich scheme as much as the pastels.

I also love seeing the different varieties. Last year, Spring came slowly due to the super-cold Winter, so each week we visited the Gardens, different colors and varieties were waxing or waning.

I loved the pots of daffodils by the reflecting pool outside the main building. See that little boy at the end of the pond? A couple minutes after this picture, I heard his dad say, "Just be careful, so you don't fall in like last time!" But was it a fall or a jump?? LOL!!
I love the color combination of the pink tulips, green leaves and blue/green stoneware pot!

Speaking of daffodils, they were EVERYWHERE in the gardens before the tulips started to show their faces. There's a whole hill right when you enter covered with them. These were some of the late-blooming ones that stuck around to party with the tulips.

I love the color combinations, but the monochromatic scheme is nice, too. =)
Wonderful with the cherry trees!

I hope Spring comes early in your neck of the woods...I'm ready and waiting here!


Gillie said...

I can't wait, the vast expanse of white (lake) at the back of the house is gettin old really fast. Thank you for the colour!

jocondine said...

How lucky you are to have all those lovely flowers already. Can't wait for spring. I'm tired of grey and want to stitch with natural light. Amitiés.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Tulips are a favorite flower of mine too! I can tell how much you enjoy the botanical gardens. Lovely!

Bea said...

Such gorgeous colours!

Beth said...

What a pretty public garden! You are fortunate to have it close by.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Beautiful flowers, spring is certainly on it's way :-)

KimM said...

What absolutely beautiful pictures! I'm so ready for spring. You've given me the gift of Spring Fever - HA!

Julie said...

Spring is on its way here, thanks for the colourful post, very lovely.

Melanie said...

Oh god. I'm so ready for something other than snow. *sigh*

rosey175 said...

I like tulips but I love daffodils~ Those pots in the reflecting pool! Those cherry blossoms are lovely too; I never get to see them around here. Redbuds are close enough, right? :)

Karoline said...

Lovely photos, my tulips are just poking through atm but the daffodils are just coming into bloom

Sparky said...

you have a lovely eye for beauty

Dani - tkdchick said...

I'm jealous that you have signs of spring!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my! those tulips are FANTASTIC!
if must be so relaxing to visit these gardens!
I didn't know you took a dive too, you must really like tulips, eh? :D

Old Geek-outs