So, if you will remember, I asked you to pick which project I should start this month in addition to a Jardin Privé design.
Plum Pudding, by Glendon Place, done in the colors of Baked Alaska, was the clear winner, with half the votes. Happy to oblige. =)
But I felt bad disappointing all of you who voted for Quaker Christmas II.
So I started it, too. =)
In fact, I started it instead of either of the Jardin Privé designs! I'll have to save them for another time. I completely intended to start one, but then I remembered that I reeeeeeeeally should be working on my EGA nametag, which was designed by Jane Timmers of Fancy Work.
She very kindly charted all of our names and our chapter name, which is why the waves look a little wonky right now...I'm stitching around the chapter name.
Now let's talk about THIS month, which is...
No-Xs November
What can you make without making an X?? Blackwork, hardanger, embroidery, needlelace, and the list goes on! Don't panic...you can even backstitch for the month!
I will be taking a stumpwork/goldwork class from Alison Cole in Florida. And I definitely have quite a few other pieces in progress that fit into this category. I have a hardanger ornament that desperately needs to be finished, and a couple canvas pieces that need some love. Not to mention a stumpwork piece already in progress.
So how did your Oft-Overlooked October go? Did you find some hidden gems in your stash, or did you have to source something new? =) Are you panicking about finding things to work on with no Xs?? Please add your link below (to your latest Theme-a-licious post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) I will announce the theme for December around the middle of the month, and our next post will be on December (!!) 1st.