I made some progress on Convent's Herbal Garden during IHSW:
I really love this piece! I might have to sneak in some work on it next month as well.
Toccata also got some work during IHSW, which began with a flower-like motif and ended with a lattice motif.
You know...a lattice...like in a garden. ;) Completely within theme.
I did finally pull out Shakespeare's Garden!
Excuse the poorly-lit pictures...it poured rain all day today.
Juneberry has seen some progress (and now hopefully no longer looks like a thong!!)
That bit of white perle cotton in there is a "lifeline"...in case the lace goes so badly wrong I can't fix it (and I have had to fix quite a few things already!) I can just drop it back to that point and know where I am.
Sadly, I wasn't able to finish my tree ornament, but it was fun to start something new, anyway. =)
Now it's time for...
Figural February
Who are the people in your neighborhood...your WIP neighborhood, that is? Give your people-populated projects some face time this month.
I am definitely going to be working on Autumn Queen this month. I was also thinking that I might start a smaller Mirabilia piece...either Bluebell or the letter "H". But there is not going to be a lot of time this month (I'll be out of town for week) so maybe I will just keep to Autumn Queen and my ornament. Think I can stick to it? =)
Ornament Theme
Snowman (or Snowlady!)
Again, since this is a short month, I tried to exercise restraint and pick a very small ornament, especially since I failed to finish this month's! Of course, this just means that I picked THREE small ornaments. =)
So how did your garden grow this month? Please add your link below (to your wrap-up post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Our next post will be on the 15th of February, when we'll check in for Figural February!
1. Ruth's Little Leprechauns 2. Nic @ DragonRambles 3. Kerryp77 4. Karen - My Stitchy Ramblings 5. Serendipitous Jo 6. Katri 7. Karoline | 8. Tiki Stitches 9. Katie 10. Erin (Movie Muse) 11. Gillie 12. Just A Little Stitchin' 13. Topcho 14. Christine | 15. The Auld Grey Mare 16. Jackie 17. Yana Hanim 18. Christine Brown 19. Teresa or GirlWithNeedles |
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