Finally, you say!
As you know, some old favorites are back, but I also have some new challenges in store for you! Now, promise you won't freak out about any of them before we talk about them, OK? So without further (and further and further and further) ado, here are 2013's themes!
Jardin January
The holidays were a little stressful...let's relax in a nice garden. Work on any piece with flowers or gardens.
Figural February
Who are the people in your neighborhood...your WIP neighborhood, that is? Give your people-populated projects some face time this month.
March Madness
Work on something different every's madness...of the funnest possible kind.
Amazon April
Dip your needle into the vast swath of fabric dedicated to your BIGGEST projects!
Monochrome May
Pick a color, any color, then stitch only on projects that contain that color for the month!
Jumanji June
Is it a jungle out there in your stash? Give some love to the projects with animals or birds.
Jubilee July
It's time to celebrate! What are you celebrating this year? Stitch on your holiday-related projects, OR find some WIPs you know you'll never finish and set them free.
Airborne August
What's that soaring through the air with the greatest of ease? It's the things with wings on your WIPs!
Sampler September
Whether you're stitching the alphabet over and over (and over), starting your own band (sampler), or marking some spots, this is your month!
Opulent October
It's time to don your tiaras and bring the bling! Stitch on projects with sparkly fibers, beads or charms.
No-Xs November
What can you make without making an X?? Blackwork, hardanger, embroidery, needlelace, and the list goes on! Don't can even backstitch for the month!
Detritus December
It's the end of the year...are there some projects you thought you'd have done by now? Let's take a walk down memory lane and start the new year with a clean plate.
I expect you to gasp in horror over May and November...but if you've been around, you know we can work the themes out so anyone can participate. =) Just remember that every project you stitch in a month doesn't have to be on theme.
Also, I was reading a post over at Bonnie's World and thinking it would be cool to have Theme-a-licious, Ornament Edition! I don't know about you, but I have a serious stash of ornaments kitted up that need to be stitched! So here are your monthly ornament themes in case you want to join me for those as well (they tie in with the monthly themes, just to keep things all neat and tidy...maybe you should think of them more as "inspirations".)
January | tree or wreath |
February | snowman (or snowlady!) |
March | 3D ornament |
April | Santa or elves |
May | any monochrome ornament |
June | reindeer |
July | your choice |
August | angels or birds |
September | verse |
October | bells |
November | hardanger or blackwork |
December | your choice--or do some ornament finishing |
I'll also put up a Theme-a-licious 2013 page on the blog, but I'm not going to have a sign-up list on it like last year. Just drop in whenever you can...I'm happy to have you! =)
Oh want to see the graphic, right??

Wait for it...
If you're not a Doctor Who fan, there is a version without David Tennant. For either graphic, please copy the code below (click in the box and copy) to include it in your post rather than downloading the image and uploading it through Blogger. If you upload to Blogger, the animation won't work and you'll be stuck at Jardin January the whole year. =) If you're not sure how to put this code in your post, contact me and I'll walk you through it...but basically, you need to be in "HTML" mode rather than "Compose" mode.
Allons-theme! Version:
Non-geeky, plain version (not that there's anything wrong with that):
I'll have a sidebar version of the graphics Monday!
JiffNotes |
Let the planning begin! =) |
You had me at the David Tennant graphic. Will try to do better in 2013
Hmm, I might have to play just to put a picture of The Doctor on my blog ;)
I can see a couple of months in there that I could possibly participate in, especially March Madness. Maybe I should wait until then to start all the project that I want to do for the show in November. I won't be participating from July through September though as my wife and I will be touring the UK and Ireland at that time.
I joined in for some last year but then lost my bug, I'm hoping to do better this year and I love the idea of an ornament one also and the fact it ties in with the themes also.
I am loving the themes this year! Well I did last year too. Can't wait for March Madness!!
I'm sad that I didn't participate when Nathan was our mascot! Guess I will have to live with Mr. Tennant, deapite having never seen Dr. Who. I assume temari can count towards November?
Oh dear! This is so tempting it's just cruel! And here I was planning not to take part in anything this year, as I failed so miserably in 2012. But here we have the Doctor! And all those delicious themes! And when the Doctor says Allons-theme... how not to follow!
In 2013 I'll be participating the Crazy January Challenge (this year with wips, so no new starts) and WIPocalypse. I just might have to add Theme-a-licious to this list... not only because of the Doctor (my very favourite of them), but 'cos I think I might have wips for every theme (well, perhaps not for November :)
Ooh, it's gonna be such fun!
Sounds like fun Heather! I might just have to join in on the fun this year if time allows me to do it!! Love the monochrome theme and the sampler month :D
I'll probably do the ornaments, except November. I have no idea what any of that no X stuff is, haha!
I'm looking forward to joining in this year. I might get some stitches in some badly neglected pieces.
You know I have to have the geeky version of the banner ;)
I did some of the themes and then trailed off but I'll try my best for 2013 :)
I like the idea of the ornaments. I have some that I need to do, would work for monochrome May.
I just really need to work on my dragon.
Wow! Thanks for the mention.
I'm going to try and participate each month for the regular themes and the ornament one... Hope to anyway lol
Yep, I'm in. Hopefully to do a little better in 2013 with posting.
And mmm... Tennant.
I'm going to try and Theme-along this year Heather - but you're right - my head is swimming after reading the list. Just have to close my eyes and JUMP! Love the Tennant Dr Who - in my O - he will always be "the real Dr Who" !
Happy New Year to you and Michael - Cheers Mel
Hi, new follower, I've been seeing other peoples progress in 2012 with this and followed them over so hoping to take part and give it a go!
I love you with all my geeky heart. Mal last year and The Dr this year?? I am so totally in!!
Well I'm going to see if 2013 isn't a kinder year to me and play along (again) this year. Last year I got a bit side tracked (and you know why), but I'm inspired this year, so much so I'll even start blogging again! Plus, who can resist the best Doctor evah?!?!?!!?
Hmm, tempting. I might join in with some months, though I imagine my contributions will be more knitting and quilting than stitching. But I would like to pick up my stitching again this year
Hi Heather, I wasn't really good with Theme-a-licious through 2012, I hope to do better in 2013!
I watched several friends participate last year, and I thought it looked fun. I'm looking forward to joining in on the fun this year. I may have to fudge around a little bit with the themes, but I've got ideas. :)
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