I took my second sewing class this month...pillows! We couldn't make up our minds on a fabric to go with the sofa, so we picked a Christmas fabric instead.
I'm pretty pleased with the straight seam I sewed, although my attempts to get the medallions to line up (not match, but line up) failed. It would have been easier if I had cut the fabric side by side rather than vertically.
You can't see it in the pictures, but some of the gold color in the fabric is metallic gold...it's very subtle; just a little here and there. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it! I'm going to make at least one more pillow. And I'll still have a lot of fabric left...I'll have to come up with something else to make!
I have some other things to show, but they'll have to wait until after the Lottlympiad update. ;)
So how is your Altius August going? How are you taking your stitching to a higher level? Please add your link below (to your check-in post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Our next post will be on the 31st, when we'll wrap up Altius August and talk about September Smalls! And don't worry if you haven't posted before...just jump in whenever.
1. doing bad so far. .
2. Sherrie
3. India AKA Jo who can't think of a clever nickname
4. Therapy-by-Thread
5. Altius August Catch Up
6. Silvermoon Tea
7. Karoline
Looks good. I want to make some pillows once I get my new sofa. Now I know who to come to with the stupid questions :)
The pillow looks great. Beautiful fabric.
the pillow is so pretty.
hugs x
Hi Heather,
Great job, the pillow is beautiful! Have a great day!
Food for Thoughthttp://100sweets.blogspot.com/2012/08/theme-licious-altius-august-check-in.html
That pillow looks great to me. Love the fabric.
Can you guess why I'm India? - before you check out my blog post to see the answer!
Oh, love your pillow! I'm a fail for now, if we don't count putting (kinda) my books and threads in order
Great cushion, I love the fabric
Love love love that fabric!!!
Your cushion looks fabulous! The fabric is really lovely. You did a marvellous job.
Nice pillows! Woo hoo!
I can't wait for your Lollympiad update!
FAbulous pillow Heather! I love that fabric and I think it's fine that they don't match up...no one can really tell!
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