Whoah, is it really the middle of July already??
I did get a couple stripes done on Long May She Wave:
Eight down, five to go! Of course, all the ones left are the long ones....
I really thought I'd be able to finish up this ornament by now.
I had a tragic case of miscounting and had to frog the two hearts on the right (I thought I had counted where to start the "left atrium" of a heart, but I was supposed to start the "right atrium" instead, so they were three stitches off.) Hey, those frogs were supposed to be out of here after Jumanji June!!!
No more messing around! I'm going to start back on Dancer next!
I want to thank those of you that took part in the survey I posted about Theme-a-licious. I thought I'd share the results with you...
It was pretty evenly split between once a month and twice a month, so we'll stick with twice. I like to keep it on everyone's radar. =)
YOU GUYS!! You like March Madness, you really like it!!! =D Well, May Memories won, but not by much. Interesting...that was the theme I struggled with the most, and the one I heard the most initial complaints about ("I haven't taken any classes, so I don't have anything that fits.") I guess once you all figured out how...creative...we are around here with applying themes, you figured you could find something that would work. ;)
This was interesting; based on pure numbers, Fangirl February won the Unpopularity Contest. But really, all the themes were statistically equal...except for Amazon April. I guess we all have some BAPs in our WIP pile!
I do want you guys to have some input on themes for next year, so keep thinking about what worked and what didn't, and what you'd like to be "forced" to work on. ;)
I asked this next question to try to determine whether I should spend the buck$ on the thumbnail linky next year:
Annd...it looks like we'll be going back to plain linkies next year, since most of you click them all (bless you!), click those before you, or randomly click. I'll go ahead and use the thumbnails while I've got 'em, though.
So how is your Jolly July going? Is there a lot of ho-ho-ho or more oh-oh-oh? Please add your link below (to your check-in post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Our next post will be on the 31st, when we'll wrap up Jolly July and talk about Altius August! And don't worry if you haven't posted before...just jump in whenever.
1. Serendipitous Stitching July
2. Southpaw
3. not much for Jolly July so far
4. Sherrie
5. Jolly July Arab dancers
6. Jolly July Check In
7. Reflections - A Little Voodoo
8. Karoline
9. The traditional dance of korea
Your stitching looks great, Heather! I'm so far behind in participating in Theme-a-licious...life keeps getting in the way of my plans. Hopefully I am getting stuff sorted out now and can be more active.
I found your survey results very interesting!
I've participated every month but haven't necessarily gotten to link up before the linky was closed. It's been FUN! I'm posting just once a month - my progress is always snails paced. I must also confess that I voted for March Madness - I was surprised that it was my favorite!
Long May She Wave
looks wonderful
I think the frogs were jealous of the lovely shades of green in your ornament. It is looking fabulous. The survey results made an interesting read. Thank you for sharing.
Woo hoo, I'm first! The advantage of being in different time zone.
Hi Heather, Both your WIPs look great! I'm impressed with your charts, the time (and money) you've invested into Theme-a-Licious. Thanks for hosting this! (I'll have my update later today.)
Sorry to hear you had a case of the frogs!!!!
Hi Heather,
Love the ornament, very pretty. I can see the flag taking shape. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
Hi heather, I have posted mine, thank you for hosting us :)
Interesting results from the survey. It is funny how close so many are. And, really, Fan Girl February was the hardest for people? Doesn't everyone like to stitch stuff from their favourite designers? I'm really confused by that.
I think it was too many choice and how you choose a favorite.
My big conglomeration post even though I didn't get a ornament in.
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