SoooOOOOoooo...this is the month where I show how GREAT I am at fitting nearly anything into a theme. =) I was not able to work on anything I had planned, since a travelling pattern showed up here that I needed to work on ASAP. So that took up most of my time. However, I did work on one thing in the "Memories" category.
I needed a name tag for the event I'm going to this weekend. I didn't have enough time to stitch something new (what with the travelling pattern and all), so I repurposed an old name tag.
Wayyyyy back when stitchers only communicated through newsgroups (yes I am old...let's move on =), we would arrange meetups online, but most of us didn't have fancy-shmancy websites or really any place to post pictures. So, we would make name tags and place an "at" symbol (@) on them so we'd "know" each other in person. This was my name tag from...oh, probably almost 15 years ago!!! (Hush, I said I was old.)
Woo, look at that crazy bright silk ribbon embroidery! That had to go, along with the "@":
Yikes. Those are some scary holes. Now, here's where the amazing part happened...
ALL I DID was give it a little bath. The minute it hit the water, the holes closed themselves up! (It's still wet here; hence the darker color.)
Now I'm not going to lie; I'm not really happy with it. You can barely read my EGA chapter name, but at least it's done. I'll make myself a nice, new, pretty one later. (Sounds like a great Lottlympiad activity.)
I'm attaching it to the bottom of a pin I did to identify myself as a member of the Teresa Wentzler bulletin board. No, it doesn't really go, and it looks kinda hodge-podged together, but at least it 1) has my name on it and 2) is DONE. I'm planning on taking at least one of my planned May Memories pieces with me this weekend, so my wrap-up should be a little better despite the fact that I'm leaving the country four days before the end of the month!
So how is May Memories going for you? Hopefully you got a little more done on your oldest WIP or neglected class pieces than I did! Please add your link below (to your check-in post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) Our next post will be on the 31st, when we'll wrap up May Memories! And don't worry if you haven't posted before...just jump in whenever.
oh I'm doing flips in order to fit this month's theme into what I actually feel like stitching.. :D
anyways, it's something I've planned to do months ago, but couldn't for I didn't have the right silks.. I really should post an update, I'm almost done with the Autumn Quaker and should start the Spring one today..
I guess you'll get the picture of what I'm doing by the end of the month, together with me (hopefully!)
happy xxx,
I've talked about it here (promise I'll make a proper theme-a-licious post next time)
oops, there was a form.. :D
Hi Heather,
I like your name tag, it's pretty. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
My picture didn't work, but the link does!
I do like your name tag, amazing how the bath healed it completely!
Have a great time at your "event", hope to hear all about it.
Hi Heather! Your hardanger name tag is lovely! I should get back to hardanger it's so beautiful!
Sure wish I was going to Celebration with you and T but I'm glad there is someone from our chapter attending. I'm sure you will have an awesome time. Thanks again for sending your beautiful bee and needlecase for our recent exhibit. Love your repurposed name tag - I've had one in the planning stages for a year now (sigh) - enjoy ! Mel
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