OK, how many of you noticed that "Theme-a-licious" was misspelled in the banner graphic?? (Don't go look now; it's already fixed!) Thanks to
Sharon for emailing me and pointing it out! I felt kinda like you do when a friend tells you you have spinach in your teeth...really embarrassed but really glad she told you! I blame NyQuil for my lack of observance. Yeah, that's it....
Anyway, the graphic is updated, and as a bonus Michael gave me a nice sidebar graphic to replace my crappy button:

Note that this button has an animation, too, so if you want that, link to it rather than downloading and uploading to Blogger. Check out the
Theme-a-licious page for updated graphic instructions!
I didn't notice. I think I was having too much fun watching Nathan pop up and say "shiny" :)
Hmm, I should put in Castle as my crafting entertainment today...
Me too! I was too busy looking to see if Nathan made the cut!
I am dying over Nathan popping up and saying "shiny". So funny! That made my day!
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