Click now for JiffNotesAs I explained in
my first post about my version of March Madness, I drew a piece of paper from a bowl each day in March and worked on whatever project I drew. (I was allowed to spend "dayilght hours" beading Mirabilia's Easter Fairy, in the previous post.) The end of the first week, I drew...

...a Chatelaine mandala design that I had just barely started. Well, it's still just barely started...

...but it was fun to work with the silks and just ogle the sparklies that go with this piece.
The next day I drew another project that, like the Antique Button Sampler from week 1, I have not touched since I walked out of the class.

This is Seeds of Love by Teresa Wentzler. Teresa actually taught this class at a retreat in Myrtle Beach. It was a really fun time. I was thinking as I stitched this that it wouldn't take that long to finish...
I didn't get to stitch on Sunday, but Monday I drew a fun band sampler that was a birthday gift.

This may be my next candidate for replacing the Easter Fairy once Spring turns into Summer. I have Fall and Winter pieces, and now the Fairy for Spring, but nothing for Summer. Hmmm...
The next day, I picked
another new project to start (like Floral Fifteen the first week)!! I'm in love with Mirabilia's reindeer. I want to stitch them in order according to the poem rather than release order. But either way, Dasher is the first!

I have changed the colors a little bit. The reindeer's coat and the greenery were a little too "yellow" for me, so I changed them. I still need to find a good replacement for the Umbria Waterlilies that goes with this reindeer and the seven others. So far, though, I haven't been able to find an overdyed silk with a bluer green and either a burgundy or deep purple. Anyway, this reindeer has so many sparkly beads and crystals to attach, I can't wait to get on with it!
The very next day brought another Christmas design...Star of Wonder.

This is a Just Nan class piece, although I did not actually take a class. I love the colors in this one.
The final day for this week, I drew yet another class piece that I had not touched since the class (sense a theme here?)

This was a fun class, because there was pre-stitching for all the hardanger kloster blocks, as well as the cutting. In class, we got to work on the filling stitches.

You can see that the first four are done. I finished the fourth one with that night's work. I could probably continue to finish one a night!
Stay tuned for weeks three and four!
JiffNotes |
Week two of March Madness brought more "ancient" class projects and another new start! |
What a great week!
There are some great projects there :)
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