...terribly, terribly LATE in being announced!!!!
I do apologize; I was out of town last week and thought I'd be able to get this post up before I left. Then, Michael sprained his ankle, a friend of his from high school called and wanted to drop by after dinner, and the painters, who we'd been trying to get to come for over six months, finally said they could come. As a result, we weren't home (and not cleaning) before 9pm any night that week. And I especially wanted this one to be posted early, since you might need to do some preparation...but hey, you've got a month! So without further ado, here's the theme for October...
Oft-Overlooked October
Find a new-to-you designer and start a new project this month! Or maybe two...or three...
This theme comes to you courtesy of Jo at Serendipitous Stitching! She actually suggested "Newbie November," for next year, but I loved the idea so much I spent an inordinate amount of time searching for synonyms until I could make it work for this year. I am going to send Jo a gift certificate to the online shop of her choosing so she can pick up something new to start. So Jo, please email me ASAP! =)
As for me, I already have a few new things to start. ;) But I need your help! I have seen a number of lovely finishes of Jardin Privé designs, so I finally picked up a couple...Christmas and Carré d'abeilles. I think I'm going to start Carré d'abeilles. Here are the flosses for both...
Christmas's flosses are on the left. Of course, I changed some of the colors for Carré d'abeilles. ;)
Now, here is where you come in. I have two wonderful designs all kitted up and ready to go, but I'm not sure which one to start. You must help me!
First of all, there is Quaker Christmas II by ByGone Stitches...
Second, Plum Pudding by Glendon Place...
...only, I am going to do it in the colors of Baked Alaska!
Sooo, which should I start? Please cast a vote, even if you're not participating (or have never participated) in the themes!
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