June Jolt
School's out for the summer! Let's work on things with sunshine in them or REALLY bright colors. Summer is here!
June's theme, sure to shake up your stitching, comes to us courtesy of Katie Metzroth! Katie, for some reason I saved off your email but not your blog address! =O Email me that and your snail mail address so I can (eventually) get your prize off to you. Thanks!
I have a couple pieces with bright colors (and some socks I've been meaning to start) that I can pull out for this theme. And surely I have something with a sun in the sky...hmmm...time to stash dive. ;)
I'm going with a Bee theme for June!
I am just stitching autumn for June :)
Hugs x
I won't be joining in this one. I just can't think of doing summer stuff in winter, although I will be starting on my Christmas stuff so that it's ready for the pre-Christmas markets.
Great theme, I'm doing a summer swap so I should have plenty for June!
Oooh...I like the sound of this one :)
You are the sunshine of my stitch...
That's why I'll allways be around...
Thanks to Katie and Heather !
But we're in school until the end of July!! No fair....
Anyway, I'm always happy to stitch sunshine or maybe a nice Alice Cooper themed piece...
hahahahaha!! Jo always reads my mind!! :D
I have the perfect WIP for June, but no scroll bars that fit.. bogus!
What a great theme for June!
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