This month wasn't that productive for me overall...work was EXTREMELY stressful and I was trying to get ready for our big trip to London. I did manage some more on Dancer (a flying reindeer):
Poor gal. Right now she looks like she resides in Sleepy Hollow.
I also started the next Cookie A Sock Club sock which refuses to be photographed well...
The color is not so Grover/Cookie Monster in real life, and I'm afraid you can't see the lace at all. It'll show up much better once it's on my snowy-white legs. =) I am once again tying a knitting project back to flying in an airplane to fit with this month's theme. The design is "Istanbul" (not Constantinople...sorry...I'm genetically incapable of saying "Istanbul" without adding "not Constantinople"), and we visited that great city (by airplane) a few years ago. Not that I ever got around to blogging about it!!
I'm afraid I did no more on an ornament this month than think about which one I'd stitch!!
Now it's time to dip our toes into...
Sampler September
Whether you're stitching the alphabet over and over (and over), starting your own band (sampler), or marking some spots, this is your month!
Ornament Theme
Now, don't write this one off if you're not a sampler junkie. Why not "sample" a new stitch or the work of a new-to-you designer? As for me, I'll be working on the long-neglected Toccata I! I think I have a few lovely ornaments with verses on them...some with lines from Christmas carols...it'll just be a matter of seeing which of them jumps into my hands.
So how did your Airborne August go? Did your needle fly, or was it difficult to get any projects off the ground? Please add your link below (to your wrap up post), and visit some other Themers if you can (everyone loves comments and encouragement!) We'll check-in on September 15th to we'll see how you're progressing!