I'm way remiss on thanking Annette and Rachel for very kindly awarding me the "I Love Your Blog" award!

Aw...thanks, guys! I love your blogs, too! Sorry I haven't posted the award before now. Work has been...interesting, along with all my out-of-town and sick time.
So, here are "the rules":
For those of you who have been awarded, please post the following rules on your Blog:
1. The winner can put the logo on their Blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other Blogs.
4. Put the links to those Blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the Blogs of those you’ve nominated.
Now, I am a rule-follower, but this is going to be hard. I have, at last count, 116 blogs in my reader. Yikes! I enjoy reading them all for different reasons...but I'll give this a stab, since I like to get awards and I think others probably do, too. =) Lessee...I'll leave out the ones by "famous" people (is Stephanie Pearl-McPhee really going to care if I comment that I've given her this award?) and I'll try to leave out ones that have already received the award as well. Man, this was really, really hard!!!
1. In the eye candy and anecdotal department, Girl with Needles.
2. In the always insightful and often surreal department, casablanca.
3. In the educational department, Knitting Letters. We're not just talking knitting education here, either!
4. In the uplifting and inspiring department, Martha! Martha!. She does not post frequently anymore, but when she does, it's worth it (plus you can gorge yourself on historical posts right now!)
5. In the "things that make you think" department, Rosey Eyes. She's got another blog, too: Confessions of a Southern Foodie, and it's excellent as well.
6. In the "explains things in the level of detail my literal mind needs" department, TECHknitting. Now we are just talking knitting education...no, wait! There's sewing instruction, too!
7. In the yet more eye candy department, Stash Collector.
8. In the everything I needed to know about NASCAR (and perhaps more than I "needed" to know) department, Baa Baa Knit Stitch.
0. Honorable Mention...I'm not going to technically "give" the award to this blog, as a friend wrote it just to chronicle his trip out West in a mobile home with his sister, brother-in-law and two teenaged nieces, but, as you can imagine, it is hilarious and you need to read it! Heads Carolina, Tails California
JiffNotes |
Expand your horizons... |
Aw, thanks sweetie!!! :)
Wow, thanks for the award, now you've made it harder for me, but I think I have a few I can give this one to.
Thanks Heather!!
Thanks, Heather! I'm glad the quatrefoil info came in handy (practical? how can that be?!) and am happy to help your dragons hatch. Also glad to know about your blog and all the other awardees. Cool!
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